twhirl is a free utility that provides us with all the necessary tools to connect to the following social networks: Twitter, Seesmic, Friendfeed, laconi.ca, and identi.ca. By having this application, we can have direct access to any account we may have in any of these networks without using any browser. All we need to do to connect to a particular network is enter our username and press the connect option. Once connected, we can manage our account and do any task available in that specific server. For example, a Twitter account lets us search for people, follow our friends, send them e-mail and instant messages, upload images and videos to yfrog, bookmark messages, and so on. This program features a configuration menu from where we can change the color of the user interface, and set the language (English, Spanish, German, and French). We can also select how we would like to be notified about new messages, adjust the API usage, etc. In order to install this program, we previously need to have a free program called Adobe Air. This piece of software runs under both Windows (Vista, XP, and 2000) and Mac (10.5) platforms.
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